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Desktop Services

There are two desktop computing services provided by IT Services. The Staff Desktop and the Student Teaching Service. The services are managed desktop service providing general purpose computing to the college central administration, most academic departments, and students. The services provide standard office software but also wdely used software for research purposes. The different usage modes govern the way software is released or updated on the services. In th ecase of the StudentTeaching Service this means that most software is available on all computers on the service, and that stability maintained by not changing software during the academic year.

Account Administration
The Service Desk administer accounts and are the first point of contact for requests.

New Software
Common software has been packaged for the services to make installation easy. Depending on the service, software may be installed remotely or made available for the end usr to install. Purchace of software packages not currently on our system needs discussing at an early stage so that resources can be allocated to the project.

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